
Bug Tracker

To report a bug, please send an email to bugs@darcs.net. (Or log in and click Create New Issue.)

ID Activity Title Status Creator Assigned To
1872 171 months ago use ISO8601 dates in XML output needs-implementation kowey  
1549 173 months ago trim whitespace in _darcs/prefs/post needs-implementation kowey  
1007 173 months ago use lazy bytestring in darcs needs-implementation kowey  
1682 177 months ago Formatting patches to submit needs-implementation jch  
1649 179 months ago null conflict resolutions needs-reproduction mornfall  
1630 179 months ago darcs record --ask-deps should show dependencies before asking waiting-for galbolle  
1966 15 months ago version controlled repository-wide preferences needs-reproduction kowey  
1048 27 months ago differentiate between matching patches and dependencies when using --match needs-implementation galbolle  
1774 47 months ago darcs library is not thread-safe (uses current working directory) unknown ganesh  
1099 47 months ago patch bundles should have repo format strings   kowey  
2077 47 months ago Warning when re-adding deleted file/directory needs-implementation owst  
2630 60 months ago wish: new command 'darcs traverse' unknown bfrk  
2587 75 months ago proposal: "darcs check --hard" (or --invariants) unknown gh  
1463 75 months ago Investigate "proper" Windows APIs for launching editor. waiting-for twb  
2558 81 months ago common file name format for patches, inventories, pristine unknown bfrk  
1844 81 months ago support matchers for ask-deps needs-implementation kowey  
1289 84 months ago wish: warn when applying duplicate patch? needs-implementation twb  
2322 84 months ago a command to turn lazy repositories into complete ones unknown gh  
2428 84 months ago incremental convert import into an existing repo unknown bfrk gh
2261 84 months ago wish: new darcs posthook env variable: DARCS_SUBJECT unknown markstos  
2096 84 months ago --show-depends flag for record, amend and whatsnew needs-implementation gh  
2535 87 months ago replace changes should be offered first instead of last unknown bfrk  
2522 90 months ago Negate pattern in boring files to re-include a previously excluded file unknown mihaigiurgeanu  
2511 94 months ago manpage does not explain -a unknown Tony den Haan  
2495 100 months ago behavior when conflicts are detected on push or pull unknown bfrk  
2371 101 months ago user defined command aliases needs-implementation bfrk  
1087 112 months ago more informative explanation for darcs revert lock needs-implementation twb MaicoLeberle
2440 114 months ago use case for rebase push or push --obliterate unknown bfrk  
2430 114 months ago sub-command rebase amend unknown bfrk  
2387 123 months ago Say which files would be reverted by an obliterate and offer to revert unknown owst  
2373 124 months ago darcs dist should be able to create reproducible tar balls unknown bfrk  
2222 138 months ago task: QuickCheck crudeSift vs siftForPending needs-implementation kowey  
1964 139 months ago more information in prehooks would be useful waiting-for simon  
2288 140 months ago No way to determine which (if any) tag(s) "contain" a patch unknown owst  
2084 140 months ago wish: darcs show patch unknown owst  
2214 145 months ago Separate patch pretty printers from on-disk printers unknown owst  
1338 148 months ago darcs unrevert: take files as arguments (like darcs revert) needs-implementation gwern owst
2177 149 months ago use last regrets as opportunity for extra information unknown kowey  
2043 149 months ago replace own SHA1 implementation by existing library needs-implementation gh  
1265 150 months ago show all changes in amend record --edit, not just the new ones needs-implementation twb  
2018 165 months ago should Printer drop ByteString support? (or alternatively drop String) needs-reproduction kowey  
2007 165 months ago ability to name remote branches for easy interaction later needs-reproduction dagit  
1734 166 months ago ability to revert during record interactive UI needs-implementation kowey  
1785 166 months ago mechanism to force darcs to treat binary-looking file as text needs-reproduction twb  
1967 167 months ago version controlled email/motd/etc needs-implementation kowey  
1915 169 months ago collect contributor license agreements from darcs hackers needs-implementation kowey  
1891 170 months ago darcs stash waiting-for dagit  
831 173 months ago wish: consistent ordering of patches waiting-for zooko  
545 173 months ago wish: Add a --gpg-command=COMMAND for darcs send analogous to --sendmail-command needs-implementation gwern  
1638 175 months ago darcs trackdown with delta-debugging needs-reproduction kowey  
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