
Patch 2400 add release notes for 2.18.3 (and 1 more)

Title add release notes for 2.18.3 (and 1 more)
Superseder Nosy List bfrk
Related Issues
Status accepted Assigned To

Created on 2024-05-26.11:53:24 by bfrk, last changed 2024-05-28.07:59:33 by bfrk.

File name Status Uploaded Type Edit Remove
add-release-notes-for-2_18_3.dpatch bfrk, 2024-05-26.11:53:22 application/x-darcs-patch
patch-preview.txt bfrk, 2024-05-26.11:53:22 text/x-darcs-patch
See mailing list archives for discussion on individual patches.
msg23909 (view) Author: bfrk Date: 2024-05-26.11:53:22
Will self-accept

2 patches for repository https://darcs.net/screened:

patch bdcb062311bbbb326448aae5ab77358c276cb180
Author: Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>
Date:   Sun May 26 10:24:20 CEST 2024
  * add release notes for 2.18.3

patch a9579cfc799d383819e87b6a4e4830e910098034
Author: Ben Franksen <ben.franksen@online.de>
Date:   Sun May 26 12:49:13 CEST 2024
  * rename CHANGELOG to CHANGELOG.md
Date User Action Args
2024-05-26 11:53:24bfrkcreate
2024-05-28 07:59:33bfrksetstatus: needs-screening -> accepted